- 点钟 o'clock
- 一刻钟 quarter-hour
- 秒钟 second clock
- 6点钟准时举行鸡尾酒会,随之在8点钟举行正式的晚宴。 Cocktails will be served promptly at six to be followed by dinner at eight.
- L-Curve L-curve
- Terminal滑模 Terminal sliding mode
- H-Curve准则 H-Curve criterion
- Terminal滑模面 terminal sliding surface
- 6点钟到这儿报到上班。 Report for duty here at six o'clock.
- Terminal滑模控制 Terminal sliding mode control
- Bekesy tracing curve 贝凯希[听力描记]曲线
- 大本钟 big ben
- Hannas curve 哈那曲线
- 动态Terminal滑模控制 dynamic Terminal sliding mode control
- 敲钟 toll
- 快速Terminal滑模控制 Fast terminal sliding mode control ( FTSMC )
- horoptercurve 双眼单视界曲线
- 两点钟 two
- lifting curve (凸轮) 升程曲线
- terminal fitting (线路) 终端接头